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Conference: Building Shells x Neighborhood Stabilization Coordinators

For the NY Statewide Preservation Conference, Liz McEnaney and Naomi Hersson-Ringskog will be highlighting the valued partner in their Building Shells: Building Community. Featuring Nick Edwards of City of Newburgh and Sam Wells of City of Albany, the talk will focus on the unique role of Neighborhood Stabilization Coordinators.

In many New York State post-industrial cities, the concentration of vacancies and building shells often overlap with the city’s lowest income levels and highest crime rates, creating challenges for rehabilitation efforts and ongoing maintenance. Many of these buildings are historic — either located in historic districts or eligible for the National Register. This session looks at small but proactive ways the community can work together in partnership with the municipality to preserve these historic building assets and, in doing so, stabilize the neighborhood. The session highlights the role of Neighborhood Stabilization Coordinators as preservationists.

To learn more about the conference, visit

Earlier Event: August 25
CityMaking: Author Melissa Checkers